How to Put Keywords in an Article

How to find high quality keyword
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➡ What and why keyword research?


‣ Keyword Research is the process of using keywords as search words to enhance your site traffic. Keywords are essential to SEO, and SEO means getting more traffic for your website. If your website has not been designed to use keywords, it will struggle to make it to the first page of a Google search. It's a fascinating thing to be part of. It takes a while to get to grips with the process and understand what keywords are the most important to use, but once you understand the process, it's a quick and straightforward task to increase your traffic. 


‣I'm going to take you through the process of finding your keywords, selecting them, and getting your site to the top of the search engine results page (SERP). 


➼ Why Keywords? 


⦿ Keywords have a massive impact on search engine rankings and are one of the most critical factors for increasing traffic for your site. 


⦿ Keywords are the most important search terms people type into a search engine. You can optimize your site by linking to them from pages on your site, social media posts, and even throughout your web pages. 


⦿ Keywords help websites rank higher in search engines. The higher your site ranks, the more traffic it will receive. 


 The Keyword Space


• There is a massive amount of keyword information on the web. There are keyword-checking tools and software programs to help you find the keywords you want to optimize. They also give you the tools to help you select them and ensure that they are relevant to your site. You can spend a lot of time researching keywords, and this is when some people go onto Google and copy and paste the words they think will work for them. 


But remember: Not all keywords are created equal. 


It's like picking a shoe. You can spend hours trying to get the perfect fit, but, in the end, you need to get the right one for your body type. You need a good balance of cushioning and support to protect your feet. But you don't always want to choose a shoe with extra cushioning just because you need it. Make sure you make a test purchase and see if the extra cushioning is required or not. If not, don't waste your time and money by buying a shoe that will make your feet hurt. 


how to find high-quality keyword

➼ Keyword Usage 


• Keyword usage is what you do with those words when they are on your site. You can do some things with your keywords that will help your SEO; others you should leave alone. Keywords should work in tandem with your content. Keywords are a keyword strategy, not the strategy itself. What are you going to do with your keywords? 


• In my experience, I always go in with a plan for my keywords. I have a plan for the top three and the rest. I never try and use keywords I haven't allocated them to. For example, if I want to rank for different verbs such as buy, find and learn, I will try and use the proper verbs in my content. But I won't use them throughout my blog. Another example is photos. My keyword will always be 'pictures,' but I will only use those in the content for the pictures' pages. 


⦾ Other things you should consider when writing content include: 


➊ Use real names 


➋ Use a specific URL structure 

➌ Use proper punctuation and capitalization 

➍ Complement each keyword with another word related to your topic 

➎ Don't use keywords in too many places on your page 


★ It's essential to make sure that your SEO is done well. It's not the end of the world if your keyword isn't present on every page on your site. You are leaving the keyword more visible to search engines by doing this. 


⦾ Reducing Your Keywords 


‣This is where you need to make some decisions about what keywords you are going to use on your website. You could be using thousands of keywords, but try and pick your keywords with a good mix of quality and quantity. Try and use some of your keywords at least five times on your site, as this will help you improve your search engine ranking. Ideally, try to use a mixture of five to ten keywords on each page. You can choose a combination of keywords that work for your website and help you rank on Google. I find it's better to use only two or three keywords on a page. Don't use the same keyword too many times. Use phrases that will make your content unique. 


•One example of this is: 'how to contact us, 'how to buy our paint,' 'what paint color should I use.' 


Now you have figured out your keywords for your website, you need to decide how to use them on your website. 


Remember: you can't just copy and paste the keywords from your blog onto your website. You need to find something unique and valuable about those keywords and make them work for your website. An excellent example of this is a website with the word 'antique' on the front page of the home page. They use the keyword 'antique' in both text and image. 

How to Put Keywords in an Article 

So, my friend, if you want to build your web presence and improve your search engine rankings, you have to have an SEO strategy. Without an SEO strategy, your site will remain invisible to search engines, and, in the end, you will lose customers because of this. You can't just look up keywords and hope that Googlebot will find you and show you your page. Search engine optimization is a long-term strategy. It doesn't just focus on the keywords on your site. You need to work hard to get the best quality content on your site. This includes writing good content, finding excellent and unique keywords, and using a combination of keywords. The keyword strategy you build could be the difference between your blog being seen by the right audience and getting lost in the blogosphere.

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