Diaspora Paragraph For HSC

Diaspora  Paragraph

সুপ্রিয় শিক্ষার্থী, ডায়াস্পোরা প্যারাগ্রাফ টি ইন্টারমিডিয়েট এ পড়ুয়াদের জন্য খুবই গুরুত্বপুর্ণ। একবার হলেও পরীক্ষায় আসে এই প্যারাগ্রাফটি। তাই অর্থ সহ খুবই সাবলীল ও সহজ ভাষায় তা নিচে উপস্থাপণ করা হলো।

Diaspora Paragraph

Diaspora means the people who have left their homelands and settled in another parts of the world. Either they were forced to leave the country and they wanted to leave on their own. The world has seen many diasporas but scholars have been studying the phenomenon with great interest only in recent decades. The Jews were the first diaspora in the history of mankind. They were forced to leave their own lands. First, Jews ancestor Abraham was forced to leave Iraq. He has Settled in Egypt. After some year, his offspring Jews were propelled to leave Egypt and they went to Palestine. Then many of them were again forced them to leave Palestine. Then these Jews have left Palestine and diaspora in Europe and America. The movement of Aryans from Central Europe to the Indian subcontinent is also a noteworthy diaspora. But the causes of this diaspora are unclear. Now ‘diaspora’ is also used more generally to describe any large migration of refugees, language, or culture. We all see the latest incident which is occurred in Myanmar. An estimated 850000 to 950000 Rohingya people have fled to Bangladesh since 25 August 2017. However, now a days the main reason of diaspora is globalization. By stopping wars and improving the lifestyle of every person of the world, can helpful to stop diaspora. The world's leaders should take some proper steps to stop diaspora. 

Reading time: 00:00:55
Letters: 1107
Characters: 1368
Words: 232
Sentences: 19

প্যারাগ্রাফ টি কেমন লাগল তা অবশ্যই কমেন্ট বক্সে জানাবেন! কেননা আপনাদের কমেন্ট ই আমার অণুপ্রেরণা।

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Word Meaning:-

Diaspora : অভিবাসী

Decades : দশক

Jews : ইহুদি 

Ancestor : পূর্বপুরুষ

Offspring : বংশধর

Propelled : তাড়িত

Aryans : আর্যরা

Noteworthy : লক্ষণীয়

diaspora paragraph for class 11


  1. অসাধারণ একটা প্যারাগ্রাফ

  2. Vlo laglo...remedies and treatment of covid19 paragraph ta dile diben plzz

  3. Onek sundor hoyeche..Lot's of love


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