Deforestation Paragraph
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Deforestation means
spoiling the ecological balance by cutting down trees in an indiscriminate way.
There are many reasons behind deforestation. Man needs houses, furniture,
firewood etc. For this, man uses wood. Wood is also used in big industries. Man
makes shops, educational institutions, boats, launches, trucks and other
vehicles that lead many people to cut down trees. It causes treats to our
environment. There are also many people engaged in trafficking trees from the
forests making vast areas almost bare and leaving many wild animals in danger.
All these have multifarious effects on the environment. Floods and droughts,
cyclones and tornados are the common phenomena in a region or in a country
where deforestation is going on. In our country less rainfall, excessive
rainfall, bad harvest, soil erosion, extinction of wild animals, green house
effects are the problems prevailing due to deforestation. To prevent
deforestation some pragmatic steps should be taken. A social movement should be
launched to prevent deforestation. Science and study on ecology should be
introduced from school level. Massive awareness regarding trees plantation can
be raised through TV programs. Above all, our forest department should enforce
all codes of manner strictly to reduce deforestation.
Word meaning:
Spoiling – নাশী / ব্যার্থ
Indiscriminate - বিচারহীন / নির্বিচার
Engaged –নিযুক্ত / লিপ্ত
Trafficking -পাচার
Bare -খালি
Multifarious –বহুবিধ / বহুমুখি
Droughts -খরা
Phenomena -ঘটনা
Excessive –অত্যাধিক / অতি
Erosion -ক্ষয়
Extinction -বিলুপ্ত
Pragmatic -রাষ্ট্রীয়
Launched –চালু / শুরু করা
Massive –অত্যন্ত / শক্তিশালী
Codes –নিয়মাবলী / আইন
Reduce –হ্রাস করা / কমানো
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