A Dialogue About Issuing A Transfer Certificate

A Dialogue About Issuing A Transfer Certificate

Here is a dialogue between myself and the Headmaster on issuing a transfer certificate.
Myself May I come in, sir?
Headmaster Yes, Come in.
Myself Good Morning, sir.
Headmaster Good Morning. What's the matter?
Myself Sir, I want a transfer certificate.
Headmaster Transfer certificate! It's the month of May and the middle of the year.
Myself Sir, My father is a Government officer. Recently he has been transferred from here to Khulna. My family is going to shift there.
Headmaster Oh, I see. Can't you stay here for the rest of the session?
Myself Sorry, I can't. My father is unable to afford me here.
Headmaster Don't you have any relatives here?
Myself No, sir. I don't have any relatives with whom I can reside.
Headmaster Where is your application?
Myself Here it is, sir.
Headmaster Have you cleared your tuition fees?
Myself Yes, sir. This is the receipt.
Headmaster Everything seems to be okay. Your application is accepted.
Myself What shall I do now, sir?
Headmaster Meet the head clerk, and you will receive it.
Myself Thank you, sir.
Headmaster Wish you the best of luck.

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