A Dialogue About The Benefits Of Early Rising


Here is a dialogue between Halima and her friend Sadiya about the benefits of early rising.

Here is a dialogue between Halima and her friend Sadiya about the benefits of early rising.
Halima Hello! Sadiya.
Sadiya Hi! Why are you so early here, Halima? Do you come here every day?
Halima Almost every day.
Sadiya Really? Is it possible?
Halima Why not? I always get up from bed one hour before sunrise.
Sadiya Why? What's the benefit of early rising
Halima Don’t you know the proverb," Early to bed and early to rise, Makes a man healthy wealthy and wise."
Sadiya Please, make it clear.
Halima An early riser gets so many advantages. He can start his works, so he gets enough time to perform his duty properly.
Sadiya Has there any other benefit of it?
Halima Of course. An early riser can enjoy morning fresh air and oxygen.
Sadiya Thank you very much. I was in the dark about the benefits of early rising.
Halima Early rising is really a good habit, and we must cultivate it from the very beginning of our life.
Sadiya Exactly! Thank you.
Halima Goodbye.
Sadiya Goodbye.

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