A dialogue about importance of environment pollution

A dialogue about importance of environment pollution

আপনি যে ডায়লগ টি খুজছেন সেটি নিচে খুব সুন্দর করে লিখা আছে।ভালো লাগলে কমেন্ট করে অবশ্যই জানাবেন!

A dialogue between myself and my friend about the importance of environment pollution.
Myself Good afternoon, Tuhin.
Tuhin Good afternoon, Touhid. How are you?
Myself Quite fine. And you?
Tuhin I'm not okay. I'm suffering from a headache.
Myself Headache? I think environment pollution is responsible for it. Especially air pollution.
Tuhin Maybe you are right. I cannot go out for this polluted air.
Myself You know that nowadays polluted air causes incurable diseases. It has also become a significant problem all over the world.
Tuhin Exactly that. Our environment is polluted in many ways. Air is constantly being polluted by smoke from mills, factories, and motor vehicles.
Myself That's right. Why don’t you talk about water pollution? Don’t you know water is polluted by waste, chemicals, fertilizer, and other poison?
Tuhin That's true. You know, sound from motor vehicle mills, factories also pollute the environment.
Myself Actually, because of this pollution. Nature has lost its balance, and we are suffering from various problems.
Tuhin Hundred percent right you are. Human beings are responsible for these.
Myself What do you mean, my friend?
Tuhin Well, we are cutting down trees for fulfilling our daily demands. As a result, our environment can not maintain its balance.
Myself Then we are going to face a friend, Aren’t' we? Now tell me, how can we save the environment?
Tuhin It is not an easy task. We should make combined efforts to save the environment.
Myself You are absolutely right. I think it is high time to save our environment.
Tuhin I agree with you. I'm to go now. See you later.
Myself Goodbye.

Word-Meaning :
Fertilizer - সার
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